UHV Athletic Communications Media Policy
The purpose of the University of Houston-Victoria Athletic Communications Department is to facilitate communication between the department and media outlets, increase awareness of and interest in UHV Athletics, and publicize activities and achievements of the student-athletes, teams and athletic department.
The Athletic Communications department will coordinate interviews as well as present accurate information to the media through press releases, media guides and other publications. All current season stats can be found on UHVJaguars.com.
All coverage and interview requests should be made no fewer than 24 hours in advance. All requests can be made by calling or emailing Sam Fowler (FowlerS@uhv.edu). Any requests made directly to coaches or student-athletes will be referred back to the Athletic Communications Department.
Media wanting to interview UHV student-athletes, coaches or staff must contact UHV Athletic Communications, which will set up the interview.
Times and rules to conduct interviews vary by team, so please check with Athletic Communications for more information for each specific sport.
Post-game interviews following home contests will be set up by Athletic Communications, as well. After a 10-minute cooling off period, coaches and requested student-athletes will meet at the designated interview area for that sport. Pre-game interviews on the day of a contest will not be allowed.
Contact Info
Sam Fowler
Assistant Athletic Director-Communications